All the attention and respect you deserve.

Gabriel Torani & Habib Haddad pharmacy offers services in synergy with all healthcare providers in patients’ lives: from pharmacists to specialist physicians, nurses, hospitals, laboratories and insurers, every link in the chain is covered. We have several pharmacists qualified in specific therapeutic fields, which enables fast starts (elimination of wait times to begin treatment), and each patient is served with all the attention and respect they deserve.

Évaluations personnalisées
Personalized evaluations
Consultations détaillées
Detailed consultations
Service-conseil avant, pendant et après chaque traitement
Advisory services before, during and after each treatment
Conseils par téléphone, texto, courriel et vidéoconférence
Advice available by phone, text messaging, e-mail, and video chat
Bureau de consultation sur place
Consulting office on site
Mise en pilulier des traitements complexes
Pill dispenser organization service for complex treatments
Calendriers hebdomadaires
Weekly timetables
Régimes posologiques complexes
Complex dosage regimens
Préparations stériles et non stériles
Sterile and non-sterile preparations
Accompagnement et suivi personnalisés
Rappels automatisés pour les renouvellements
Automated renewal reminders
Accompagnement et suivi personnalisés
Personalized coaching and follow-up
Suivi d’observance thérapeutique
Treatment adherence monitoring
Suivi des examens de laboratoire
Follow-up of laboratory testing
Urgences et service « fast start »
Emergency and fast start services
Clinique de santé-voyage
Travel health clinic
Pression artérielle et examens de routine sur place
Blood pressure testing and routine examinations on site
Formation pour injections sous-cutanées et intramusculaires
Training for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections
Livraison sécuritaire, rapide et gratuite partout au Québec
Safe, fast and free delivery to anywhere in Québec
Assistance pour les demandes d’exception d’assurances privées et publiques
Assistance with private and public insurance exception applications
Traitements à la maison ou en clinique d’infusion
Treatments at home or in infusion clinics
Confidentialité, données sécuritaires
Confidentiality and data security assured